Penny Jenkins

Penny Jenkins trained as a ballet dancer before studying singing at Trinity College of Music. She has sung Oratorio throughout the South of England, broadcast for the B.B.C. and recorded solos with the Oriana Consort and the Brighton Chamber Choir. As a soloist with New Sussex Opera and Regency Opera she has sung many roles in operas as diverse as The Fairy Queen, The Threepenny OperaSuor Angelica, Iolanthe and The Magic Flute. She also took part in the world premiere of Howard Blake’s opera The Station.

In recent years Penny has built up a considerable reputation as a singing teacher. Her pupils now come to her from all over the country and regularly win major prizes in competitive festivals and achieve top marks in the Associated Board examinations. She has successfully trained pupils for Choral Scholarships at Oxbridge, and for entrance to Music and Drama Colleges. She even has pop-singers on her books!

For the last twenty years she has been a tutor at many summer music courses, including AIMS (held at Eastbourne College), which she ran with her husband Neil Jenkins. She is increasingly in demand for vocal workshops and masterclasses and takes two courses a year at Jackdaws Educational Trust. Since 2000 she has been co-director of a course for aspiring young singers at the Vocal Arts Institute of Indianapolis, USA. In 2002 and again in 2007 Penny was Musician in Residence at a music project in the West Country. Since 2005 she has been working as a voice coach in the world of film and TV. She is also much in demand as an Adjudicator at competitive festivals.

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