Christopher Stark

Based in London, Christopher began his musical life as a chorister, cellist and pianist, playing in the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and turning to conducting whilst a Choral Scholar at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he gained an MA in Music and Musicology and a MusB in Piano Accompaniment.

As co-founder (with composer Kate Whitley) and principal conductor of the award-winning Multi-Story Orchestra, Chris has conducted its regular performances in a Peckham car park since their inception in 2011, as well as others at the BBC Proms and the Brighton and Aldeburgh Festivals.  Multi-Story received a Royal Philharmonic Society award in 2016 and is currently expanding across the UK, playing in Gloucester, Coventry and Birmingham.

Away from Multi-Story, Chris also works in opera, for Glyndebourne Festival and Tour, Garsington, English Touring Opera and Oper Köln.  He has also worked as assistant conductor for the Philharmonia, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Gürzenich-Orchester and Aurora Orchestra.  He likes to bring contemporary music into his programmes, having conducted many world premieres, including performances for BBC broadcast of works by the winners of the BBC Inspire composers competition.  He has recorded for NMC, and has broadcast with both Multi-Story and Aurora.

Committed to community music making and to encouraging young musicians by working with local schools, Chris is also Principal Conductor of the Blackheath Halls Symphony Orchestra, Finchley Symphony Orchestra and the Ernest Read Symphony Orchestra.

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