Ashley Solomon


Ashley SolomonActive as a soloist and chamber musician Ashley is the director of Florilegium, and much of his time is spent working and performing with this ensemble that he founded in 1991.  They have a busy touring schedule and each year perform at major international festivals and concert series throughout Europe as well as the Americas, Far East and Australia.  Florilegium have been recording with Channel Classics since 1993 and have to date made 37 recordings, many of which have garnered international awards.  They have given over 1,600 performances over the years.

As a soloist, he has performed worldwide, including concertos in the Sydney Opera House, Esplanade (Singapore), Teatro Colon (Buenos Aires), Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Konzerthaus (Vienna), Beethoven-Haus (Bonn), Handel-Haus (Halle) and Frick Collection (New York).

Combining a successful career across both theory and practice, Ashley Solomon is Head of Historical Performance at the Royal College of Music, having been appointed a professor in 1994. In 2014 he was awarded a Personal Chair and in July 2017 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music (FRAM) which was conferred on him by HRH Duchess of Gloucester.  In 2019 he was also elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Music (FRCM) which was conferred on him by HRH Prince of Wales.  Both Fellowships are in recognition of outstanding services to music.  Since 2014 Ashley has been working closely with the Royal Collection Trust to curate musical performances in their Royal venues including Buckingham Palace (Queen’s Gallery, Ballroom) at Windsor Castle and in the Queen’s Chapel.  To listen to Ashley talking about and playing a porcelain flute click here.

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