Anna Loveday

Anna Loveday is a professional opera, oratorio and recital singer and a choral conductor.  She has performed major mezzo soprano roles such as Carmen, Lady Macbeth, Amneris in Aida, Madam Larina in Eugene Onegin, Mother Goose in Rake’s Progress, Laura in La Gioconda, Klytaemnestra in Elektra and many others including roles in several Britten and Wagner operas with opera companies across England, touring for 5 years with Opera Brava, an outdoor opera company.  This summer she will be playing Eboli in Verdi’s Don Carlo and La Zia Principessa in Puccini’s Suor Angelica.

Anna has sung the mezzo solos in all the major oratorios and in works such as Mahler’s ‘Das Lied von der Erde’ and has performed solo recitals in various venues in London and further afield.

She has conducted several different choirs over the years, but for the last 15 years she has run her own very successful chamber choir the ‘Loveday Singers’, which is based in Woking.  She was previously, Head of Music and Performing Arts in schools and Sixth Form Colleges in Surrey and Sussex, in all of which she established excellent and singing and award winning choirs.

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