Angela Malsbury

Angela’s distinguished career was launched with a highly acclaimed Wigmore Hall recital and shortly afterwards her concerto debut at the Royal Festival playing the Mozart Clarinet Concerto. Following these successes, her busy concert schedule took her to North and South America, Japan, Bermuda, India and Canada as well as most European countries. She was for thirty years Principal Clarinet with the London Mozart Players and appeared with them as concerto soloist as well as being a founder member of their distinguished chamber ensemble.

In addition to a flourishing career as a concerto soloist, her membership of the De Saram Clarinet/ Cello/ Piano trio, Albion Ensemble, Musicians of the Royal Exchange, London Winds and the Academy of St Martins has been a major part of her life, together with performing clarinet quintets with eminent string quartets at home and abroad and giving duo recitals with her husband, David Pettit. Angela has many broadcasts to her name, together with CD’s on several labels, including ASV, Chandos, Hyperion and EMI.

She recently retired from thirty-five happy years as Senior Clarinet Professor at the Royal Academy of Music who had awarded her the distinction of Hon. RAM. Masterclasses and International competitions are still very much part of her life. She is not only a Buffet Artist but also an Honorary Fellow of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

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